2n2222 - Circuitos electrónicos

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Touch Alarm

Touch alarm electronic circuit with 555 and a output relay


Simple solar plant watering alarm circuit - Eleccircuit.com

This is simple Solar plant watering alarm circuit. It will sound alarms when the soil is dry. The trees have died.It the solar sell is 6V DC power supply


Alarmas - Construir sirena, generador de sonidos, tonos ruidosos

Hacer sirena para alarma con tonos ruidosos, fabricar generadores de sonidos con Ne555 o con compuerta logica 4011


Cheap LED flashing circuit | Electronic Circuits Diagram

Electronic Circuits Diagram: Cheap LED flashing circuit - Electronic Schematics collections where we discuss about electronic circuits schematics, printed circuit board diagrams and electronics projects


Light flasher circuit

Light flasher circuit


How to build Ringing Phone Light Flasher - circuit diagram

You are asking how to connect up some lights so that when the phone rings, they flash. This is very useful in a situation were there is lots of noise and it is impossable to hear the phone, such as a workshop. Here is such a device. The ring detect part of this circuit came from


Digital Keypad Combination Lock

This simple circuit is the electronic version of the combination lock. Using the special purpose LS7220 digital lock IC, the circuit allows a 4 digit combination of your choice to activate a relay for a set period of time. This relay can then be used to trigger a lock solenoid, enable a


"I See Dead Pumpkins" | Design News

There's no better Halloween prop than a carved pumpkin. But Mark didn't like the idea of leaving burning candles unattended in his squash, so he built a battery-powered light source instead.



Luz intermitente de baja potencia Este circuito encenderá un bulbo o lámpara de baja potencia en forma intermitente. 1. Cuando el bulbo está apagado, T2 está en corte (no conduce). Como T1 controla a T2, vemos que [..]


Un oscillateur de pratique du code Morse

Un oscillateur schéma montage circuit de pratique du code Morse




Crystal Radio Circuits


Video Activated Relay



Maxim > Design Support > Technical Documents > Application Notes > Voltage References > APP 4412 Keywords: voltage references, buffer amplifiers, feedback loop, error amplifier, force/sense pins, npn transistors APPLICATION NOTE 4412 80mA Precision Reference Jul 27, 2009 Abstract: This application note presents a circuit that adds a transistor buffer in the error-amplifier feedback loop of a voltage-reference [..].......


Experiment 13 Part 1 (Chapter 13) -- Noisy Circuit

I'm breaking Experiment 13 into parts. . . and there's no video for this first part, sorry to say. The first half of this experiment involved replacing some of the components in the Experiment 12 circuit, namely the 100K resistor with a 1M potentiometer and the 10k pot with a flat 10k resistor. I left the 10k pot in and just cranked it to its maximum value (and checked it with my meter). The 1M pot allows for some tweaking, but I found in my experiments I had to dial it down quite a bit to the l.......


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