Detector - Búsqueda para electrónicos

Detector de oscuridad para encender luces

Es el caso que tengo un amplísimo interés en desarrollar un circuito eléctrico que me permita encender y apagar una bombilla de 110 Voltios, con un vatiaje de 18 o máximo 100 Wat. Revisé algunos de sus trabajos y pude percibir que en muchos existe la inducción por iluminación, lo que me ha llevado a pensar que usted me puede ayudar. Debo decirle también que en cuestiones de electricidad y electrónica me estoy iniciando, por lo que algunos términos me son desconocidos. El cuestionamient.......


EA4NH, Circuitos, Ham Radio, RF circuits, Radioaficionados, Radioaficionado, antenas, transceptores, transmisores, receptores, ATV, ham radio, circuit, home brew, home-brew, amateur radio, amateuradio, construction, transmitter, receiver

Rain detector circuits

Simple rain detector schematic diagrams that will save you the trouble of looking out the window every second, when you want to catch the start of a rain storm, or cover some water sensitive stuff on your back-yard.

Detector de Rotura de Vidrios

Cut Phone Line Detector

Cut Phone Line Detector, Electronic gadgets for R/C, circuits, schematics, electronic projects.

Fed Detector

The F.E.D. detects digital RF emissions

Detector de fugas en condensadores

Sencillo probador para detectar fugas en capacitores (condensadores).

Decibelimetro o detector de ruido -

Decibelímetro o detector de ruido

Air flow detector circuit | ELECTRONICS PROJECTS

This is a blog which provides various kinds of electronics projects such as microcontroller projects, final year projects, pic projects etc. We also have various tutorials related to electronics projects.

Detector de lluvia con 4093B > Electrónica Unicrom

Este circuito detector de lluvia con 4093B, da el aviso de el momento en que se inicia la lluvia para evitar algunas situaciones o favorecer otras.

Low Cost Metal Detector Circuit | Circuit Sector

this metal detector hobby circuit can be constructed by only a few components such as BC548 and an ordinary AM radio that we usually use

How Infrared Motion Detector Components Work

Tells how a Pyroelectric Infrared Motion sensor and a Fresnel lens work and how they are used to build a motion detector. Application circuit included.

Search result for: gas leakage detector ::

gas leakage detector circuit diagrams. Search DIY electronic projects and circuit diagrams with descriptions. Learn electronics.

PIC16F84A Gas Detector using GH-312 sensor - Electronics-Lab

Here you can find useful projects with description, schematics and PCB, electronics articles and other electronic engineering resources. Projects hosted on our website are contributed from visitors and partners around the world.

Hobby Circuit - PRECISION AC PEAK DETECTOR __ Circuit s designed by David A. Johnson, P.E.

This unique circuit uses a very inexpensive voltage comparator to form a peak detector. The DC voltage produced tracks the positive peak of the input signal. It works from about ten millivolts to about 10 volts peak to peak. The maximum frequency is about 150KHz. AC peak detector1.htm

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