Transistor - Circuitos electrónicos

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Retardo de salida para alarma - Circuito completo

Circuito electrónico de retardo de salida para una alarma con un integrado 555 y un relé. Se hará la simulación en Livewire.

Circuitos electrónicos

El Flyback - Principios, funcionamiento, comprobación

Tutorial sobre funcionamiento y comprobación del Flyback o transformador de líneas.

Circuitos electrónicos

Over Voltage Protection: Power Supply Overvoltage » Electronics Notes

Power supply over-voltage protection is really useful - some PSU failures can put damaging large voltages on the equipment: find out how to prevent this.

Circuitos electrónicos

Circuitos con Transistores Detectores y Alarmas

Entra y Aprende Facil los Circuitos con Transistores del Tipo Detectores y Alarmas. Detector de Frio y Calor, De Luz y Oscuridad. Alarmas a la Conexión y Desconexión.

Circuitos electrónicos

Dual Motor Speed Controller

Circuitos electrónicos

pdfLM35.-+Sensor+de+temperatura ?t=1395091534

TL/H/5516 LM35/LM35A/LM35C/LM35CA/LM35DPrecision Centigrade Temperature Sensors December 1994 LM35/LM35A/LM35C/LM35CA/LM35D Precision Centigrade Temperature Sensors General Description The LM35 series are precision integrated-circuit tempera- ture sensors, whose output voltage is linearly proportional to the Celsius (Centigrade) temperature. The LM35 thus has an advantage over linear temperature sensors calibrated in § Kelvin, as the user is not required to.......

Circuitos electrónicos

pdfLM35.-+Sensor+de+temperatura ?t=1395091534

TL/H/5516 LM35/LM35A/LM35C/LM35CA/LM35DPrecision Centigrade Temperature Sensors December 1994 LM35/LM35A/LM35C/LM35CA/LM35D Precision Centigrade Temperature Sensors General Description The LM35 series are precision integrated-circuit tempera- ture sensors, whose output voltage is linearly proportional to the Celsius (Centigrade) temperature. The LM35 thus has an advantage over linear temperature sensors calibrated in § Kelvin, as the user is not required to.......

Circuitos electrónicos

Simple Lie Detector - Circuitos de Electronica

Circuitos electrónicos

One Transistor FM Receiver

This radio is sensitive enough to tune 20 stations across the FM band, some with volume high enough to drive a small PM speaker. The ability to tune 88.9 MHz and 89.1 MHz is testimony of its selectivity. The signal-to noise ratio rivals that of the better walkman type radios.


Ebers-Moll Model is an ideal transistor model which describes the operating regions (states) of a transistor. This model is very useful to obtain the information about DC characteristics of a transistor. The transistor operates in active region when emitter junction is forward biased and collector junction is reverse biased. This model generalizes the behaviour of transistor by taking into account the inverted mode of operation of transistor........

El transistor

El transistor es un dispositivo electrónico semiconductor que cumple funciones de amplificador o conmutador. El término "transistor" es la contracción en inglés de transfer resistor ("resistencia de transferencia"). Actualmente se encuentran prácticamente en todos los aparatos domésticos de uso diario: radios, televisores, grabadoras, reproductores de audio y vídeo, hornos de micr.......

Bipolar Transistor HBridge Motor Driver - Robot Room

Schematic, breadboard photo, parts list, and results of several transistor variations on the classic bipolar hbridge motor driver circuit.

Choosing Transistor Replacements » Electronics Notes

How to choose replacement transistors: matching parameters; ensuring replacements work correctly; key parameters; step by step instructions.

Power Supply Adapter: Positive Regulator Circuit with PNP and NPN Transistor Boost

Positive Regulator Circuit with PNP and NPN Transistor Boost design. This is the schematic diagram of Positive Regulator Circuit with PNP and NPN Transistor Boost. How the circuit work is described as follow

Darlington Transistor Pair Circuit and Working with Applications

Darlington transistor pair comprises of a couple of bipolar transistors that are coupled in order to deliver a very high-current gain from a low-base current.

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